💬 NYのラゞオ・wpvr の DJKevin ずの䌚話

A letter from a fan to a program producer (Nov. 2022)

ニュヌペヌクのラゞオ・Platinum Vibes Radio のDJKevin に、『Do you
?』ず『The Music Never Ends』の連続オン゚アに぀いお質問しおみたした。英文・日本語蚳の順に衚瀺。DJKevinより、日本語蚳by りヌちゃん for TeamARASHI及び掲茉の蚱諟枈

Greetings Kevin! 

The double play of "Do you...?" and "The Music Never Ends" are really great song choices. I don't know how American people like you feel about it, but for us ARASHI fans, it means a lot. ARASHI released the album including these two songs two months before going on hiatus.


「Do you
?」ず「The Music Never Ends」のダブルプレむは、ほんずにすばらしい遞曲ですよね。アメリカ人のあなたがどう思っおいるかわからないけれど、私たち嵐ファンにずっおはずおも意味のあるこずなんです。嵐は掻動䌑止に入るか月前にこの曲を含むアルバムをリリヌスしたした。

The lead track "Do you...?" contains a message about the style of music and way of life that ARASHI has followed for the past 20 years, and this song is exactly what the album title "This is ARASHI" implies.

リヌド曲である「Do you

And "The Music Never Ends," as you mentioned in the special program, is a message to the fans: "We are going on hiatus for a while now, but our music will never end. We will always be singing in your hearts."

そしお「The Music Never Ends」は、あなたが11/3の特別番組でも觊れおくれたように、「がくたちはこれからしばらく掻動を䌑止するけれど、がくたちの音楜は決しお終わらないよ。い぀もきみたちの心のなかで歌っおいるからね」ずいう嵐からのメッセヌゞそのものです。

Now, we can see them one by one on TV and in movies, but what fans want is to see all five of them together singing, dancing, and laughing. It is sometimes extremely hard not to see them. To have their music broadcast multiple times a day like this in the United States, where they wanted to expand, means a lot to us, and ARASHI fans are truly grateful to you. I am sure ARASHI knows this. And I am sure they are grateful to you as well.


If you don't mind, please let me know what you think of these two songs and I will translate them into Japanese for everyone to hear. 






Greetings, Ree!

Thank you for your message, I love to read these insights into the songs from the fans' perspectives and the emotions they invoke. It gives me an even greater understanding of the strong connection between ARASHI and the fans. I like to read through the comments under their videos on YouTube as well, that is, after running many of them through a translator lol, but it's worth the effort to see so many beautiful comments about the music.


メッセヌゞをありがずうございたした。ファンから芋た曲の掞察や、曲にかき立おられる感情を読むのはずおも楜しいです。 嵐ずファンの匷い結び぀きがより䞀局理解できるようになりたす。YouTubeの動画䞋のコメントも、翻蚳アプリを通しお読むのが奜きです(笑) 嵐の音楜に぀いおの感動的なコメントをたくさん芋るこずができるので、アプリを䜿うずいう努力をする䟡倀はあるず思いたす。

It's my pleasure to share my perspective on the two songs! "Do You....?" has a celebratory tone to it that resonated with me as soon as the beat starts. It's vibrant and upbeat and particularly the horns make it sound like an atmosphere of partying, living life to the fullest or enjoying the moments in life. The song also represents to me never giving up that positive mindset..."don't stop party", "we keep on dancing"...and of course the catchy, vibrant part of the chorus yai-yai-yai-yai-yeah is a playful twist on words that's so fun to yell out. Do You is the type of song I call a "mood lifter", perks you up.

この2曲「Do you
?」ず「The Music Never Ends」に぀いお、私の芖点をお䌝えできるのはうれしいです 。「Do you
?」は、ビヌトが始たった途端、祝祭的なトヌンが聞こえおきおわたしの心に響きたした。掻気があり、アップビヌトで、特に管楜噚がパヌティヌの雰囲気、人生を粟䞀杯生きおいる、人生の瞬間を楜しんでいるずいる雰囲気を出しおいるず思いたす。 たた、この曲は私にずっお、「パヌティヌは終わるこずはない」「ずっず螊り続ける」ずいった、決しおあきらめない前向きな気持ちの象城でもありたす。もちろん、サビの「yai-yai-yai-yai-yeah」のキャッチヌで躍動感のある郚分は、蚀葉をひねった遊び心があっお、叫んでいおずおも楜しいです。「Do you

"The Music Never Ends" struck me at first because I loved the production but then as I began to really absorb the lyrics and understand from the fans' comments on Twitter what a special message that the song represents, I still get goosebumps each and every time I hear it without fail.

「The Music Never Ends」は、最初は䜜品ずしおずおも気に入ったのですが、歌詞を真に咀嚌理解し、たたTwitterでのファンの方のコメントから、この曲が特別なメッセヌゞであるこずを知った今では、聞くたびに鳥肌が立ちたす。

I mentally try to place myself in the fans' shoes and imagine your emotions upon hearing the song back in 2020 and knowing that the group was planning to go on hiatus. That with ARASHI's heartfelt vocal delivery is what always sends a rush of emotion through me when I hear the song. It also makes me reflect on some of my favorite older artists like Michael Jackson, Prince or The Police who are either deceased or no longer active in music and it's so true, the legacy of their music never ends. My daughter listens to it now.


Brilliant song for ARASHI, it's literally a personally delivered message to all the fans which is rarely seen in music so they're exactly right. The legacy of their songs is always in the fans' hearts. This connection is what I believe separates ARASHI from many other idol groups and makes them even more endearing to everyone.


Hope that wasn't too long, Ree. Always a pleasure though 😄, have a great night and will catch you soon.

Best regards!


長くなっおしたいたしたね、りちゃん。でもい぀も嬉しいです😄 玠敵な倜をお過ごしください。そしお、すぐにお䌚いしたしょう。 


📻 質問に答えおくれたDJ Kevin のラゞオの詳现日本からの聎き方・リク゚スト方法などはこちらから⇩

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