【独占インタビュー】DJ IJ Wilson 🎃/Halloween Listening Party on FOTW Radio, Sydney, Australia

ハロウィンの不気味な音楽が魅力的な、オーストラリア・シドニーのラジオ局『HALLOWEEN LISTENING PARTY ON FOTW RADIO』。 不気味な音楽を中心としたこの局で、DJ/Audio Story ProducerのIain Wilson さんは、毎日2時間ほど嵐をはじめとするJ-POPメインの時間を設けてくれています。また、リスナーとのやり取りも積極的で、リスナーから『かぼちゃさん🎃』の愛称で親しまれています。

彼は嵐の曲を多数OAしてくださるだけでなく、嵐の曲や日本についても関心を寄せてくれているようです。彼が嵐や私たちの事をどう感じているのか? そこで熱心にやり取りしているリスナー数名に質問を募り、Iain Wilson🎃 さんにインタビューをお願いしました。 

インタビューは、Twitterでの会話をまとめた海外ラジオDJに質問!のコーナーより深い内容になっています。(DJ IJ Wilsonより、日本語訳[by りーちゃん for TeamARASHI]及び掲載の許諾済)彼からどんなお話が聞けたでしょうか……。

💬 嵐と嵐の曲について


[嵐ファン]Was there anything you knew about ARASHI or its members before receiving the song requests?


[DJ IJ Wilson]Yes, my previous job was at a radio station in Sydney, in their music library, and we had the CDs of ARASHI in our collection, although I did not hear them at that time. But I remember seeing them on the shelf, and I knew that they were a popular Japanese band. There was also a digital radio channel at the station and daily show called Pop Asia, which is who we were buying the CDs for. I was also aware of the VS ARASHI show on the TV channel, but I had no idea what it was about! (It all makes sense now, though!)

嵐のことは知っていました。私は以前、シドニーの放送局(訳注:SBS〈スペシャル・ブロードキャスティング・サービス〉オーストラリアの公共放送局)のラジオ部門で働いていたのですが、そこには嵐のCDがありました。当時、私がそのCDを聴いたことはありませんでしたが。でも、棚にあったことは覚えています。そして、嵐が日本の人気アイドルだということも知っていました。そこにはデジタルラジオチャンネルがあり、そこで放送している番組『Pop Asia』のために嵐のCDを買ったのです。また、同じ放送局のテレビ部門で『VS嵐』が放送されていることも知っていました。当時の私は、どんな番組かわかっていませんでしたが!(今はちゃんとわかっていますよ)


[嵐ファン] Listening to the members’ solo songs, how do you perceive the musical characteristics of each ARASHI member?


[DJ IJ Wilson]That's a very hard one to answer, and I think that I would have to go and listen again to each of their songs. But from the top of my head, when I hear Nino, I feel that it is a very traditional style of Japanese singing, that is very unique, and not something you encounter much in Western music; to me it is a vulnerable style that is also endearing. Sho Sakurai, I recognise for his rap sequences, but he also has a deeper voice. Jun Matsumoto has a middle range voice and is easy to listen to. Satoshi Ohno I think has a very distinctive voice, and a piercing high register; I think that he is quite a versatile singer. I like Masaki Aiba, though to my ear, he is a little bit similar in style to Jun; but this is probably a voice that appeals to a Western ear as well.



[嵐ファン]Please tell us one of your favorite ARASHI songs and why.


[DJ IJ Wilson]I think the first song by ARASHI that really caught my attention was Mikazuki. I think because it is a romantic song, not a love song though, steeped in Japanese tradition, it has a very magical quality about it. And when I looked up what it meant, I felt very pleased that it was a phase of the moon. In a way, it taps into the significance of the Lunar Calendar, and how the moon was very important to us in our pre-modern lives. Also, it has that sparkly high synthesizer that I like in other kinds of music, it triggers good feelings for me.



[嵐ファン]What is your favorite solo song by each member of ARASHI; Satoshi/Sho/Masaki/Nino/Jun?


[DJ IJ Wilson]Starting with the one that first comes to mind, I like Baby Blue by Jun Matsumoto; Akatsuki by Satoshi Ohno; Disco Star by Masaki Aiba; Sugar and Salt by Shou Sakurai; and Music by Kazunari Ninomiya

思いつくまま挙げていくと、松本潤くんは『Baby blue』、大野智くんは『』、相葉雅紀くんは『Disco Star』、櫻井翔くんは『Sugar and Salt』、二宮和也くんは『Music』ですね。好きです。


 📻 質問に答えてくれたDJ IJ Wilson🎃のラジオの詳細(日本からの聴き方・リクエスト方法など)はこちらから⇩

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